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The Yeh Research Group @ Taiwan Tech
Emerging Energy Materials Lab
Min-Hsin Yeh received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University, Taiwan under the supervision of Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho in 2013. He then worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Georgia Institute of Technology with Prof. Zhong Lin Wang (2014 ∼ 2016). Currently, he is an Assistant Professor in Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University of Science & Technolohy (Taiwan Tech). His research interests mainly focus on nanomaterials, electrocatalysts, photovoltaics, energy materials, triboelectric nanogenerators and self-powered electrochemistry.
2018/08 ~ Present
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), Taipei, Taiwan
PostDoc, Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan
PI: Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho
PostDoc, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
PI: Dr. Chun-Hong Kuo
PostDoc, Sustainable Energy Development Center, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), Taipei, Taiwan
PI: Prof. Bing-Joe Hwang
2009/09 ~ 2013/06
Ph. D., Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan
Advisor: Prof. Kuo-Chuan Ho
2007/09 ~ 2009/06
M. S., Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), Taipei, Taiwan
Advisor: Prof. Bing-Joe Hwang
2003/09 ~ 2007/06
B. S., Department of Chemical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech), Taipei, Taiwan
PostDoc, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta GA, USA
PI: Prof. Zhong Lin Wang
Visiting student, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Cleveland Ohio, USA
PI: Prof. Chung-Chiun Liu
2020台科大年輕研究學者獎勵 (2020.01~2021.12)
2019 Outstanding Young Scientist of Associate of Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (ACST)
(台灣化學感測器科技協會108年度學術獎章之優秀年輕學者論文獎) -
2018 中國材料科學學會 107 年會海報論文競賽 優等獎 (奈米材料與分析)
2018科技部補助延攬特殊優秀人才 (2018.08~2021.07)
2018 Distinguished paper award of Associate of Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (ACST) (台灣化學感測器科技協會107年度學術獎章之傑出論文獎)
2017 June & August: Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Journal of Power Sources
2017 January & March: Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Electrochemica Acta
2017 Best Poster Award @ ICMAT 2017 (2017第九屆材料前瞻技術國際研討會-最佳海報獎)
2016 ACS Publications reviewer Awards
2016 September & October: Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for Nano Energy
2016 Global winner of 3rd Fishackathon (Project: “Great Lakes Savior”) (魚客松-首獎 <得獎團隊: Akubic Corp.; 誠映股份有限公司>)
2016 Distinguished paper award of Associate of Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (ACST) (台灣化學感測器科技協會105年度學術獎章之傑出論文獎)
2016 Fishackathon @ Taipei, Golden prize. (魚客松-台北場 最高榮譽金牌獎 <得獎團隊: Akubic Corp.; 誠映股份有限公司>)
2015 ISE Travel Award for Young Electrochemists (66th ISE annual Meeting, Octobor 4-9, 2015; Taipei, Taiwan)
2014 Distinguished paper award of Associate of Chemical Sensors in Taiwan (ACST) (台灣化學感測器科技協會103年度學術獎章之傑出論文獎)
2013 Scholarship of 「Overseas Postdoctor Grant from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)」 (102年度科技部補助赴國外從事博士後研究<千里馬計畫>)
2013 Scholarship of 「China Technical Consultants Incorporated Foundation」 (中技社102年度科技研究獎)
2012 2nd edition of the European Energy Conference (E2C) PhD Student Scholarship (第二屆歐洲能源會議-博士班學生獎學金)
2012 Scholarship of 「2nd PhD student award from DaXin Corp.」 (第二屆達興材料博士班獎學金)
2011 Scholarship of 「Hsing Tian Kong Culture and Education Development Foundation」 (行天宮資優生長期培育計畫 : 2011/02~2013/07)
2011 1st International Conference on Clean Energy-「The Royal Society of Chemistry Poster Prize」 (第一屆國際潔淨能源會議-最佳海報獎)
2011 Student paper award of 「International Photonics Conference (IPC 2011), NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan」 (國際光電會議-學生口頭報告優等獎)
2011 Scholarship of 「2nd LCY Chemical Corp.」 (第二屆李謀偉福聚教育基金會獎學金)
2010 Best poster award of 16th Chemical sensor technology conference (第16屆化學感測技術研討會-壁報論文優等)
2009 Scholarship of 「2009 Taipei County Outstanding Graduate Student」 (98學年度台北縣大專組優秀學生獎助學金)
2009 Scholarship of 「TASCO CHEMICAL Corp.」 (台灣石化合成公司獎助學金)
2008 Scholarship of 「Forward-tech Electronics Corp.」 (2008祥崴電子優秀學生獎助學金)